I Connect with people to create seamless interactions between your business and customers.
Some of My Best Work
Japanese Language Learning in VR
This was one of my favorite projects that I worked on because of the unique medium. We were tasked with designing a VR game to help a professor teach Japanese to his students. I loved how physical the project was as well as how creative we were able to get with our testing methods.
P&G Baby Registry Project
This was the semester long project I worked on in my very first UX Experience Studio freshman year. It was an incredible opportunity and experience to get to work with a sponsor from P&G for this project. This project was integral in developing my design process.
Ingredient Dispensor
This was a small project but one that taught me a very important lesson about solving problems that actually exist. We made the mistake of sketching up designs before speaking to users and had to completely change our scope when we finally did speak to them.